
Latest investor-friendly agent news, articles and essays.

The Wealth Disparity For Older Homeowners

By in Homeowners

Don’t retire poor and don’t let your clients retire poor. Bloomberg recently released startling data showing the wealth disparity between retirees who owned their primary residence versus retirees who rented a home. It showed a huge disparity in wealth with homeowners having a net-worth four times that of renters. It means that decisions made today, […]

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The Homeowner Wealth Advisor

By in Homeowners

By default, every homeowner is also a real estate investor. When a home buyer buys a home today, you need to let them know that today’s decision is probably going to be the most important decision they make about their retirement plan. That’s because for most retirees, their primary residence will be the largest asset […]

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Real Estate Is A Three-Legged Stool

By in Insights

Almost all real estate transactions are like a three-legged stool consisting of the buyer (customer), the seller (inventory) and the financing (cash or mortgage). You need all three legs of the stool for the stool to be stable and for you to sit on the stool. Your goal as an investor-friendly agent is to help your […]

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Investor Brokers Fish in the Blue Ocean

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Investor Friendly Agents Fish in the Blue Ocean One of the major advantages enjoyed by investor friendly agents is that there is so much less competition from other agents for investor deals. Most Realtors don’t have the expertise or experience to work with investors. As a result, a very small percentage of investor friendly agents […]

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5 Investor Broker Opportunities

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The Five Investor Broker Channels of Opportunity The Investor Broker community was born out of a think tank with a group of investor friendly agents. We brainstormed and white-boarded the things we needed most to be successful investor brokers. We quickly zeroed in on the one most important thing that we all wanted – more […]

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7 Really Really Good Reasons To Work With Real Estate Investors

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Working with real estate investors will turbo-charge your business and will probably completely change your life. There is so much more financial opportunity and so much less competition when compared to working with the traditional real estate market. That’s one really, really good reason for working with real estate investors, but here’s seven more to […]

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Welcome to the Investor Broker Platform

By in Insights

I’ve got stuff to say about the incredible opportunity we enjoy as investor-friendly real estate agents. Over the coming years you’ll hear me shouting it from the rooftops, but the gist of it is this: Investor-friendly agents are sitting on top of a commission goldmine as real estate investors have steadily increased their share of […]

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